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If you are having difficulty with how to bring the club up to start the swing more smoothly and rhythmically, learn the following tips. A common mistake when swing is that the wrist suddenly lifts the club, causing the swing to be out of rhythm and unbalanced. Meanwhile, modern drivers are designed to be lighter...
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Avoid dehydrationWater is very important for the human body under any circumstances. So don’t wait until you’re thirsty to start drinking water. To prevent this, golfers can drink water before going to the course, and take small sips as they go through each hole.Use sunscreenSome golfers often do not pay attention to sun protection every...
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Tip #1: How to get the best start on your first tee box. The first tee box can often make golfers nervous, which will certainly affect their swing. The trick to overcoming that is: take things slow. Walk slowly, speak slowly, breathe slowly, move slowly, think slowly. Tip #2: How to hit Hole in One...
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